A Forest Story
✧Welcome to Forest Symphony✧
You are invited to drop in and listen to the voice that calls from deep within; a voice that whispers among the trees, a sweet symphony you can hear rustling among the leaves. This is an etheric sanctuary in reverence and celebration of the Earth's intrinsic goodness as our home. This is a space to revel in the mysticism and beauty of everyday life.
Holistic Learning Experiences
Forest Symphony is a space for holistic education, learning, and grounded spirituality. We believe education is a life path, and you are invited to grow, learn, and keep learning with us.
Educational opportunities you may want to explore:

Hello Dear Ones,
I'm Samantha Halitzer, Forest Symphony creator. This is a space that came to me slowly throughout the years, in waking dreams & meditations. Throughout my life, I've felt a deep connection with trees and their world. I love to celebrate their way of life, their sense of connection with each and every other tree in the world whose bodies are deeply rooted in the same Earth. Trees tell us stories that are far older than our human existence, stories that are whispered in the wind and caught in the branches, only to trickle down to us in subtle vibrations of energy. ✧✧✧
As an Energy Intuitive, I sense the flow of energy in the natural world, the ethers, and energetic bodies of source that are intrinsically woven with both the spirit and physical, human body. I am also a writer who offers holistic education opportunities. In this space, I will offer guided meditations, classes + workshops, intuitive readings, and a newsletter about Magic & Everyday Mysticism. I look forward to growing a community with you✧✧✧
I believe that each of us has intuitive gifts and that we can learn to tune into the sacred by grounding in the earth. I believe that no matter what we may face in our external world, we can cultivate a calm, vibrant inner landscape. ✧✧✧
I believe you have the capacity to feel balanced & calm. If you choose to meditate here, to find a space of community and connection, I am honored to walk alongside you.
✧ A Forest Symphony Awaits ✧
If you're feelin the groove please do 'buy us a book'! Part of our ethos is that we want loving people to get paid for their creative, kind work in the world. Small gestures like supporting small businesses generate energy in that direction. If you decide to buy us a book, we'll take it as a sign of joyful appreciation. If you just wanna go to the 'library,' we still think you're pretty rad✧